How YOU Can Help
The main donation we can use is money. Money buys traps, veterinary care, food, and supplies.
You can DO many things to help!
Can you...
1. Transport a cat?
2. Donate a new bed or towels or other *bedding* type items?**
3. Donate money?
4. Donate a new cat toy?
5. Donate a clean undamaged cat carrier?
6. Donate a new no-tangle collar?
7. Donate some treats or a bag of food?
8. Foster a cat?
9. Network to find proper homes for rehabilitated street cats?
10. Donate some grooming supplies (shampoos, combs, brushes, etc.)?
11. Attend public education days & try to educate people on responsible pet ownership?
12. Donate a gift certificate to a pet store?
13. Donate a raffle item if the rescue is holding a fund raiser?
14. Donate flea medication (Advantage, etc.)?
15. Donate HW pills?
16. Donate a cat first aid kit?
17. Clip coupons for cat food or treats?
18. Make book purchases through Amazon via a web site that contributes
commissions earned to a rescue group?
18. Host rescue photos with an information link on your website or facebook page?
19. Have a yard sale and donate the money to rescue?
20. Be volunteer to do rescue in your area?
21. Talk to all your friends about adopting and fostering rescue cats?
22. Donate vet services or donate a spay or neuter each year or some
23. Interview vets to encourage them to offer discounts to rescues?
24. Write a column for your local newspaper or club newsletter on animals currently looking for homes or ways to help rescue?
25. Maintain web sites listing/showing animals available?
26. Help organize and run fundraising events?
27. Donate a bottle of bleach or other urine cleaning products?
28. Pay house-cleaning service to do spring cleaning for someone who
fosters animals?
29. Lend your artistic talents to your club's newsletter, fundraising
ideas, t-shirt designs?
30. Donate printer paper, envelopes and stamps to the rescue?
31. Go to local businesses and solicit donations for a club's
fundraising event?
32. Offer to try and help owners be better pet owners by holding a
grooming or training seminar?
33. Help pet owners be better pet owners by being available to answer
34. Put together an Owner's Manual* for those who adopt rescued animals?
35. Provide post-adoption follow up or support?
36. Donate a coupon for a free car wash or gas or inside cleaning of a
37. Pay for an ad in your local/metropolitan paper to help place rescued animals?
38. Volunteer to screen calls for that ad?
39. Make financial arrangements in your will to cover the cost of
caring for your dogs after you are gone - so Rescue won't have to?
40. Make a bequest in your will to your local or national Rescue?
41. Donate your professional services as an accountant or lawyer?
42. Donate other services if you run your own business?
43. Donate the use of a vehicle if you own a car dealership?
44. Organize a rescued animal picnic or other event to unite people that adopt animals?
45. Do something not listed above to help rescue?